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How and Why to Create a Business Continuity Plan

Recently, a few companies have asked me to help them navigate this tumultuous time for entrepreneurs. Candidly, no one understands the challenges of keeping a company afloat but a business owner who has skin in the game. Of course, that's not to say that other people have zero input in keeping a...

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Why Most Post-Pandemic Predictions Will Be Totally Wrong

Just examine all the predictions we made during 9/11 and the Great Recession. A deadly global pandemic is a self-evidently world-changing event. But world-changing how? While the coronavirus nightmare is nowhere near resolution, we are awash in predictions about what will come next, how our...

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We Need Imagination Now More Than Ever

The idea of “crisis management” requires no explanation right now. Something unexpected and significant happens, and our first instincts are to defend against — and later to understand and manage — the disturbance to the status quo. The crisis is an unpredictable enemy to be tamed for the purpose...

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My Principles of Company Building

Here’s a list of 20 values I’m going to remember as I build Write of Passage. Stay nimble: I want to keep the business small. I want to have a personal relationship with everybody I partner with. I have no plans to IPO or sell the business, so I'm going to build the kind of company I want to run...

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3 Obsolete Business Strategies That the Pandemic Has Revived

The coronavirus crisis revealed the fragility of conventional wisdom and will revive three long-discredited concepts. The 1980s started with the popularization of the personal computer and ended with the advent of the commercial internet. This onslaught of new technology quickly gave birth, in the...

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The Remote Workplace: Communicating in an Offsite World

To prevent more cases of COVID-19, many companies this week were told that their employees could no longer come into the office. Everyone who could work from home had to quickly prepare to do so. Are the millions of office workers who have suddenly become remote employees ready for the change?...

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