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SMART Goals are an Excuse to be Mediocre

SMART Goals are an Excuse to be Mediocre

SMART goals have been a fixture in corporate life for more than 50 years, but you’ll rarely see successful CEOs use that approach. Chief executives typically eschew achievable and realistic goals in favor of BHAGs (big, hairy, audacious goals) or HARD goals (heartfelt, required, animated, and...

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Swap To-Do Lists for Time-Blocking

Swap To-Do Lists for Time-Blocking

Previously, we discussed to-do lists and the need to prioritize your list (if you use one) to make sure that you get the most important work done first. While there is a place for keeping lists (many use them with great success), an even better strategy is to schedule tasks and block out your...

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How to Overhaul Leadership

How to Overhaul Leadership

Are you being held accountable to "drive for results" and "motivate people?" If so, consider joining the resistance. If you are in HR, you need to lead the resistance.  Now is the time to rethink what constitutes good leadership -- and overhauling obsolete competencies in leadership performance...

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I Tried 4 To-Do List Methods. Here’s What Worked

I Tried 4 To-Do List Methods. Here’s What Worked

Summary. There are a lot of methods out there for staying organized. But which method prevails? Over four days, I tried four ways of organizing my to-do list. I tracked my overall productivity and stress levels to see which worked best. Monday: Get rid of your to-do list and instead schedule out...

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Less is More: Communication Tips for Maximum Impact

In this era of communication at our fingertips, social media with limited characters, and short, 80,000-word books, it’s imperative to make a point quickly, succinctly and with maximum impact. Our “lizard” brains are impatient: if we don’t capture another’s attention within a short period of time,...

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What’s Wrong With Filler Words, Exactly?

Are, like, filler or weasel words, you know, on the rise? What do the following words have in common:  basically, really, actually, totally, exactly, very, highly, just, like, you know, uh, um, I mean, like I said, OK, so, well, right?, and stuff, literally?  They’re all filler or weasel words –...

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How to Overcome the Distraction of Compassion

Distracted leaders are octopods spinning like tornados with sucker-filled tentacles clinging to ‘important’ trivialities. You can’t go eight directions at the same time and make meaningful progress. The centrifugal force of distraction drives leaders toward triviality, anxiety, and burnout....

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Fight the Fear of Uncertainty

The right mindset is key to steering your business through turbulent times. Over the past few months, life got very real – especially for business owners: a global pandemic, economic recession, some industries almost wiped out, worldwide redundancies, and huge debt commitments taken on to enable...

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