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Don’t Soften Feedback

Don’t Soften Feedback

When I talk about balancing being directive and empowering as a leader, the distinction between being kind and being nice often comes up. Sometimes, folks who have to deliver hard-to-hear feedback soften it to the point where their teammate doesn’t clearly understand what they should do next. This...

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How to Get Useful Feedback from Liars

How to Get Useful Feedback from Liars

People lie to leaders. Usually it’s not malicious, but it’s always unhelpful. Team members who aspire to get along or get ahead… Soften criticism. Deflect tough answers. Over-state compliments. Authority corrupts interactions. If your team treated you like a subordinate, you might receive useful...

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4 Ways Managers Screw Up One-On-Ones

4 Ways Managers Screw Up One-On-Ones

A simple thing that’s made complex disappoints and drains. 4 ways to screw up one-on-ones: #1. Leave them to the last minute. People feel valued when you prioritize time with them. Rushing around at the last minute to spend a few minutes with a person leaves a bad taste in their mouth. #2. Focus...

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Working with a Difficult Direct Report

Working with a Difficult Direct Report

Dear Brittney, I have a direct report. He is very volatile, not at all a team player. Everyone gets along great in the department except him. He always tries to point out everyone’s faults but not his own. He is very difficult to talk to. How can I overcome this? Signed,Leader of Difficult Direct...

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Understanding How to Fix Things When They Go Wrong

Understanding How to Fix Things When They Go Wrong

Each of us has faced at least one event in our lives when things didn’t just go our way. When circumstances end up going “wrong,” it simply means that events unfolded in a way that we weren’t expecting to happen.  However, when things don’t go our way, it can cause us to rapidly go into “crisis”...

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