News & Tips
5 Platforms That Help You Assess Candidates’ Skills
Few things are more frustrating for recruiters than discovering late in the interview process that the candidate they thought was a superstar has been exaggerating their skills. Not only do you lose out on that candidate in particular — but you also have wasted valuable time that could have been...
Why Businesses Struggle with Email Security
Every day, in businesses around the world, the following scenario occurs: An executive assistant receives a fraudulent email, supposedly from the CEO, requesting assistance with a new project and asking when she would be able to help. This scenario can end in one of two ways. In some cases, the...
How to Avoid ‘Analysis Paralysis’ When Assessing Collector Productivity
It can be very easy for collection agencies to get bogged down in what is known as “analysis paralysis” when attempting to figure out the productivity of collectors, because there are so many different data points and variables that can be factored into an equation. But just because there are so...
7 Ways to Set Up a New Hire for Success
No one has a bigger impact on new employees’ success than the managers who hired them. Why? Because more than anyone else the hiring manager understands what his or her people need to accomplish and what it will take — skills, resources, connections — for them to become fully effective. Managers...
Your Star Employee Just Quit. Time to Conduct These 4 Unexpected Interviews
You know the obvious steps when a great employee quits. These aren't those. Employees never cease to surprise us - in many wonderful ways. But sometimes the surprise stings, especially when they leave the company at a time you thought they were happy. This emotional topic is why high profile...
The Top 5 Leadership Mistakes You Might Be Making
Avoiding common pitfalls to become a better leader. As a chief people officer, I have a front-row seat to watch some leadership careers flourish - and some crash and burn. Here are the five most critical mistakes that derail promising careers. 1. You think you have to know everything. I once...
Is Your Best Salesperson Sitting in Your Marketing Department?
Marketing and sales have always had an odd relationship, as they can both be synergistic and antagonistic - all at the same time. It’s not uncommon to hear marketers say that, when business is good, sales gets the credit, but when business is bad, all fingers point to marketing. And if you ask a...
Selling: The Skill Everyone Needs
Whether you are interviewing for a job or are an established CEO, the ability to sell is critical to every career and beyond. "Selling is a life skill," said Jason Patel, the founder of Transizion, a college prep company focused on closing the opportunity divide in America. Not only does his work...
Are You a Talker or a Communicator? Part Two
In my last post we talked about accepting 100% responsibility for everything you say AND 100% responsibility for everything the person you’re speaking with hears. Once you’re willing to do that then you’ll have the opportunity to improve your own communication skills. The beauty of accepting...