A series of small wins makes:
Hard jobs easier.
Quitting unlikely.
Problems less troubling.
Environments brighter.
Big wins attainable.
Momentum – how to leverage the flywheel:
#1. Develop people.
Behaviors are targets too. Describe, honor, and celebrate behaviors that create winning environments.
If it’s only about the numbers, people are tools.
#2. ‘Where’ comes before ‘how’.
“The answer to how is yes.” Peter Block
#3. Practice 5X encouragement.
Which team goes further? A team that constantly cheers for each other or a team that constantly criticizes each other?
#4. Focus on learning.
What are we learning?
How could we do better next time?
What do we need to stop because it isn’t working?
#5. Take action quickly.
The sooner you begin spinning the flywheel, the quicker you enjoy the flywheel advantage.
Momentum begins with the first step.
#6. Keep spinning after winning.
Momentum is a series of successful endings that enable beginning again. Reaching today’s goal is an ending point that enables a new beginning.
Momentum killers:
- Critiquing small wins.
Devaluing small contributions.
Controlling rather than releasing. Permission-asking kills momentum.
Feedback without encouragement. I believe in you.
Lack of accountability. How are you going to improve? When will we follow up? How can I help? What’s the next step?
What kills momentum?
What builds momentum?
Added resources:
Four Stages to Help Your Team Maintain High Morale and Momentum – Steve Gutzler
Swen Nater explains how John Wooden taught players to put on their socks! It’s the little things.
By Dan Rockwell