6 Ways To Handle A Client You Regret Taking On

We’ve all been there. You needed the cash or the prestige tied to a new client – but they weren’t really a good fit for your services to begin with. Once their payment hits your account, how do you motivate yourself to work with them? How do you reconcile with...

25 Ideas That Will Shape the 2020s

Fortune asked 25 of the sharpest minds to weigh in on the epic, disruptive, thrilling, terrifying, and fascinating ideas that will mold the next decade. The future is now. Economy and Markets 1. Mariana Mazzucato Business and government will – gasp! – work...

What to Do When Terminating an Employee

If you’ve decided it’s time to part ways with an employee, how do you execute that decision?  For many small employers, this is an issue you’ve rarely faced. Follow these five critical tips to make the termination (and its potential aftermath) go more smoothly. 1....