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Improving Retention with Continuous Learning Journeys

Improving Retention with Continuous Learning Journeys

The world has witnessed unprecedented changes due to the pandemic. Businesses have been affected globally. Those previously operating in what was then the normal manner, now embrace a way of life defined by remote working, hybrid work, and more. Learning and development (L&D) professionals...

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The Forgetting Curve – What is it?

The Forgetting Curve – What is it?

For many years, training professionals have faced the challenge of improving learners’ retention after they leave the classroom or through online training. The problem is often observed due to the phenomenon of learners forgetting information they have been exposed to during the training...

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The Knowledge and Learning Transfer Problem

The Knowledge and Learning Transfer Problem

During a meeting at Cambridge University around 30 years ago I was thoroughly chastised by a Cambridge academic. I’d used the phrase “learning delivery” when describing computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) approaches. CSCL was one of the hot pedagogical approaches of the day – when...

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Top 11 Mistakes That Learning Professionals Should Avoid

Top 11 Mistakes That Learning Professionals Should Avoid

In this post you'll find a helpful list of the top 11 learning mistakes you'll want to avoid. These tips will allow you to circumvent the pitfalls of learning design and development, so that you can move forward on the path to learning success. Top 11 Learning Design and Development Mistakes There...

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How to Mitigate the Forgetting Curve with Microlearning

How to Mitigate the Forgetting Curve with Microlearning

Ever come back from a training course only to not remember the core points shortly after? Or, have you sent staff off on an expensive 2-day training course just to have them forget the content only weeks later? Can learning technology help us to mitigate the forgetting curve? Efficient...

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