As the field of learning analytics continues to advance and the amount of learner data that can be tracked grows, it can be difficult for HR managers to know which metrics are the best for measuring performance. Learn about the 6 metrics that HR managers should focus on to improve performance....
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How to Offset the Forgetting Curve in Your Employee Learning Programs with Microlearning
People tend to forget the vast majority of what they learn, especially when the new information and skills aren’t immediately applied. In this article, I show you how the Forgetting Curve can be offset with microlearning. Why Do Employees Forget What They Learn in Training? In the 1880s, a German...
The Forgetting Curve in eLearning: What Learning Professionals Should Know
You may have devoted countless hours to content development and learning course design, but all will be for naught if your learners will not be able to commit what they've learned to long-term memory. In this article, you will find everything you need to know about the forgetting curve in...
Testing Learning is as Time-Critical as Delivering It
It is recognized that there are optimum times to learn and optimum pacing for that learning. The same is true for testing, but this is often ignored to the detriment of both the learning outcome and the credibility of the learning process. Testing Learning and Delivering It: Why Are Both...
Don’t Forget About It: How Spaced Repetition and Microlearning Boost Memory
When it comes to new information, our brains have a strict ‘use it or lose it’ policy. And too often, training content is forgotten within the first hour of employees learning it. Don’t let this be you! Find out how to use microlearning and spaced repetition to make your training results last. How...
Spaced Learning: A Neuroscience-Based Approach to Maximize Learning Outcome
The biggest challenge for any learning program is to ensure retention of learning. If learners do not retain what they learned in the program, the program is not very useful. Foster Knowledge Retention with Spaced Learning For a long time, educationists researched methods to increase the retention...
The Neuroscience Behind the Spacing Effect
This school year, classrooms look very different. Chalkboards and in-person instruction have been replaced by PowerPoint slides and video conferences as many students shifted to virtual learning. While a debate rages over which type of education is best, a more fundamental question about learning...
Unlocking Potential in Minutes: Tips for Effective Microlessons
Microlearning, also called bite-sized learning or nanolearning, is rapidly being adopted by instructional designers and trainers because it enables efficient, timely and focused employee training. A principal component of microlearning is the use of microlessons that are quickly produced and shown...
Microlearning: the Future of Professional Development
From dawn to dusk: That’s how long the average adult spends on-screen — about 11 hours daily. At the same time, corporate trainers are trying to grab employee attention long enough to educate them and ensure the information sticks. Tools like EJ4 let viewers watch five- to ten-minute training...
The Spacing Effect: How to Improve Learning and Maximize Retention
We are not taught how to learn in school, we are taught how to pass tests. The spacing effect is a far more effective way to learn and retain information that works with our brain instead of against it. Find out how to use it here. Every perception is to some degree an act of creation, and every...
What is the Testing Effect, and How Does it Affect Learning, Knowledge, and Retention?
What Is the Testing Effect? By testing your memory, you not only assess what you know but also enhance later retention. This is not news. In 1620, Francis Bacon wrote, “If you read a piece of text through twenty times, you will not learn it by heart so easily as if you read it ten times while...
The Forgetting Curve
If it wasn’t for the ‘forgetting curve’, you’d remember everything you’ve ever been taught. You’d be a genius on a level that would make Einstein envious. This makes the forgetting curve the arch-nemesis of learning and development (L&D) departments across the globe. But wouldn’t life be...