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Should You Adjust Pay for Remote Employees?

COVID-19 has catapulted remote work into the center of workforce planning and talent strategy, but the question looming on everyone’s mind is if it’s going to impact compensation. With remote work projected to rise to 25% to 30% by 2021, some organizations are openly talking about adjusting...

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Decision-Making for Leaders: Beyond Pros and Cons

You believe in the conclusion, and then you create supporting arguments.— Daniel Kahneman You weigh options based on the decision you’ve already made, while pretending to be open minded. Leaders make decisions and then find ways to look smart for making them. Problems: It helps to know the problem...

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How Can I Make Sure My Team Meets Deadlines?

I get antsy when I haven't heard anything as a deadline nears. A reader asks: I manage a team of folks who often say they'll get something done, but then the deadline's in less than 48 hours and they have nothing sent to me yet (after an earlier reminder). How do I remind them to get things done...

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3 Things Overworked Managers Need to Stop Doing Today

Lethargy and laziness aren’t virtues. But overworked managers are their own worst enemy. 3 things overworked managers need to stop: #1. Stop doing people’s work for them. Suppose you’re asked how to do something. The overworked manager ends up doing the work. Why? You did the job before you were...

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14 Critical First Steps to Solving a Problem

Problems come in many varied flavors in the world of business. Solving a problem means figuring out the best way to tackle it. Unfortunately, the biggest problem with entrepreneurs stuck in a singular mindset is that this mentality doesn’t allow for experimentation.  In many cases, the first step...

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Managers, Think Twice Before You Send That 2 a.m. Email

Here are three helpful ways to keep your team productive and relaxed by emailing with consideration and timeliness. First off, follow inbox decorum rules yourself. As millions of people navigate workdays that blend video meetings, homeschooling, pet sitting, and cooking, setting up boundaries is...

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