News & Tips

How to Keep Your Employees from Getting Poached

How to Keep Your Employees from Getting Poached

Great talent waits for no one. I often say, talented people always have options. In the world of business, the war for talent is always raging and good people will always be a sought-after commodity.  As leaders, you must constantly think about the employee life cycle of hiring, progression, and,...

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The Virtual Trainer (Part 1)

The Virtual Trainer (Part 1)

Transferring face-to-face classroom energy strategies to the virtual environment. I conducted my first virtual training program in 1986 via satellite. It was for the United States Chamber of Commerce. It was three hours long on the topic of “Creative Presentation Techniques,” and it was delivered...

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How to Manage and Improve Employee Retention

Employers can't afford to have high turnover, which is why employee retention is so important. Employee turnover can get extremely costly if companies don't treat their employees correctly. To retain top talent, you have to offer more than a competitive strategy; you must keep employees engaged,...

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