News & Tips

4 Ways to Improve Virtual Onboarding for New Hires

Deprioritizing the onboarding process can have serious long-term effects on employee retention and engagement, so you have to get it right. Onboarding has always been a critical part of the hiring process. Yet it’s also a part of the hiring process that all too often falls to the wayside once new...

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4 Steps to Improve the Accuracy of Virtual Interviews

There is no shortage of quotes about success in business. “A vision without a strategy remains an illusion.” ... “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” ... “Business has only two functions – marketing and innovation.” ... The list goes on and each has merit. Yet none of them work without talented...

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How Amazon’s Approach to Meetings Can Help You

As a leader, I have never been a fan of update meetings and they are even more problematic in a virtual environment where everyone already has Zoom fatigue and not enough hours in the day. Everybody has sat through one of these update meetings; a group of key managers gathers to be walked through...

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How to Overcome the Distraction of Compassion

Distracted leaders are octopods spinning like tornados with sucker-filled tentacles clinging to ‘important’ trivialities. You can’t go eight directions at the same time and make meaningful progress. The centrifugal force of distraction drives leaders toward triviality, anxiety, and burnout....

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Looking at Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s FDCPA, TCPA Rulings

President Trump on Saturday nominated Amy Coney Barrett to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court. Judge Barrett has been sitting on the bench for the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals since 2017. With the Supreme Court set to hear arguments in a number of...

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