News & Tips

Take Your Virtual Meetings to the Next Level

By now, you’ve mastered virtual meetings. Right? The technology is humming, and everyone has fallen into a comfortable rhythm. But could that be the problem? One of the dangers of remote meetings is the predictable nature that many of them take on. Standard agendas. A short slide presentation. A...

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How Can I Make Sure My Team Meets Deadlines?

I get antsy when I haven't heard anything as a deadline nears. A reader asks: I manage a team of folks who often say they'll get something done, but then the deadline's in less than 48 hours and they have nothing sent to me yet (after an earlier reminder). How do I remind them to get things done...

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9 Questions to Think Like a Client and Win Big Deals

We talk a lot about empathy in business, but we don’t make the idea practical and tactical for salespeople, making it easy to execute. Thinking like a client can help you discover what they might need from you and how you can best help them. Here are nine questions that are worth answering, either...

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3 Things Overworked Managers Need to Stop Doing Today

Lethargy and laziness aren’t virtues. But overworked managers are their own worst enemy. 3 things overworked managers need to stop: #1. Stop doing people’s work for them. Suppose you’re asked how to do something. The overworked manager ends up doing the work. Why? You did the job before you were...

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