News & Tips

Training Bytes – Episode 75

Training Bytes – Episode 75

If you were to break down the different parts of a collection call — the beginning, the middle, and the end — which is the most important and why? Larry Baker from RGS Financial and Mike Gibb discuss the answer to this question. Source:

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4 Key Trends Shaping Compliance Training in 2025

4 Key Trends Shaping Compliance Training in 2025

Regulations? They’re constantly transforming. Operational challenges? They’re growing increasingly more complex. With new laws and guidelines emerging frequently — from cross-border business policies to shifting geopolitical dynamics — organizations must constantly monitor their activities, update...

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Training Bytes – Episode 74

Training Bytes – Episode 74

If a representative is communicating with a consumer who rambles and keeps going off on tangents, what is the best way to bring the consumer back to the conversation and move the discussion forward? Larry Baker from RGS Financial and Mike Gibb discuss what to do if this happens. Source:...

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Training Bytes – Episode 73

Training Bytes – Episode 73

Without reasonable confidence, one cannot be successful. So, how does a representative develop confidence? Larry Baker from RGS Financial and Mike Gibb discuss how to help a collector be confident when communicating with consumers. Source:

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Improving Retention with Continuous Learning Journeys

Improving Retention with Continuous Learning Journeys

The world has witnessed unprecedented changes due to the pandemic. Businesses have been affected globally. Those previously operating in what was then the normal manner, now embrace a way of life defined by remote working, hybrid work, and more. Learning and development (L&D) professionals...

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Training Bytes – Episode 72

Training Bytes – Episode 72

What should a representative say when a consumer says, “This debt isn’t going to show up on my credit report so I’m not going to pay it.” LaDonna Bohling and Mike Gibb discuss how to respond if this happens. Source:

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The Forgetting Curve – What is it?

The Forgetting Curve – What is it?

For many years, training professionals have faced the challenge of improving learners’ retention after they leave the classroom or through online training. The problem is often observed due to the phenomenon of learners forgetting information they have been exposed to during the training...

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Training Bytes – Episode 71

Training Bytes – Episode 71

It is not unusual for a representative to attempt to engage in conversation with a consumer who has become emotional. In a discussion with Mike Gibb, LaDonna Bohling shares her insights on how collectors should calm someone who is upset or angry. Source:

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